First of all the binding is finally on this quilt. It has been a few months since it was quilted and several before that when the top was completed (think back to a January posting around Super Bowl time!)

I completed two sample tops ( which still need bindings) for the first Sleep In Your Own Bed mini retreat.
We had the retreat and the participants completed their tops. Somehow I forgot to photograph Marie's!
And last Saturday I did a workshop for the Ninigret Quilter's that had everyone designing out of their comfort zone. The resulting quilts are awesome! Take a look at what was on their design walls. Most have to finish sewing their tops together, but all were able to do some design work that day.
I missed a few creations but they were all just as nice.
This was my last sample.
So it has been a busy few weeks.
I am looking forward to some sewing time in a few weeks . One more, non quilt related, event to finish up and then on to tackle the UFO's again! Can't wait!
Until then,
Louise who is reflecting on the busy month of June
PS just received a photo of Chris's completed top. Hope she doesn't mind me sharing!