Picture taken in 1911 when Niagara Falls was completely frozen. Found on Pinterest, repined by Joanne Janelli |
I am working on a retreat for quilters to be held in the dark and dreary days of January. You know those days right after the holidays where you want to be anywhere else but by yourself in your sewing room?
The idea came to me a few years ago when January loomed long and large in the "I despise winter in the Northeast" frame of mind that I was in that year. I wished that there was a quilt retreat to look forward to and to participate in before the Ninnie retreat at the beginning of March.
Now I know that it can be snowy and hard to travel in January in the Northeast. But since I live fairly close to many nice hotels with great amenities (read that as in-door pool, and maid service!), I decided to keep the economy going in 2014 with a quilters' weekend retreat.
The details are coming together rather quickly. I am hoping to have a partner in one (or more!) of the local quilt shops. The weekend can be work on your own project or participate in the as to yet be named weekend project.
I think it will be fun!
Look for details in the near future and if you live in Rhode Island, or near by, and don't mind driving to Coventry Rhode Island in the winter, maybe this might make your Santa or birthday wish list this year!
Oh yes - space is limited (the sewing room is not that big, unfortunately) so if you are interested e-mail me as soon as you can to express that interest. I will make sure you get first dibs!
Those who know me, know I plan economical and FUN trips and activities. Check your calendars and make out those wish lists for family members. Remember July is not too early to start planning for those blah days after the holidays!
PS. I can now say that the last weekend of January 2014 is the target weekend. Get ready for details and a "reservation sheet" to be posted next week on my blog. Hope you can join us!
PPS. Papers are signed - it is a go! Will we see you in January? Sign up soon! Unfortunately, at this time a commuter option is not available. Why not stay at the hotel for the weekend, even though it is close to home. You're bound to have a great time!