Monday, October 12, 2015

Weather update!

October 12 and temps in the seventies.  A slight breeze but I still have on a tank top.
This is today's update for Seasons on the Deck.

 I will take today's weather any time!

And for the view of the pond...

What pond?
We have a small stream going by at the moment.  It is supposed to go down even more before the end of October.  So keep checking back to see what it looks like at the end of the month.

Have a great day!


  1. Hi Louise - you have a wonderful view! Hope you're working on your Bonnie Hunter quilts you started in Bedford (I'm not!!) JoannB

    1. Minimal progress on those quilts! Other things keep getting in the way! Maybe on the next retreat in November I can make some progress.

    2. I intend to work on those after the holidays. Working on some Christmas presents now so those take priority. My daytime job sure gets in the way of my quilting!! Hope the next pics of your deck won't be snow covered!
