Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Getting Sidetracked

I said I wouldn't let it happen. 
I said I would stay focused. 
I said I would stay on track.
But what is that saying about good intentions....

Last night at my guild meeting, I put ALL of my tickets into the cup to win this group of things.

And, guess what? I won!

I had thought I really just wanted this group of quilted squares, 

but when I looked further I found magazines from 2013 and 2014.

Now anyone who knows me, knows that 2013 and 2014 were very stressful years for me.  Mother and Mother-in-law were quite ill and living in their own homes, about a mile from each other, both home bound, both needing constant care and supervision to ensure their comfort.

Not a lot of time for quilting and shopping. And did I mention? - neither had internet to use for on line shopping!

I was seriously out of touch with new publications!

So imagine my delight when the bundle from last night's winnings includes magazines from 2013 and 2014! All of my favorites, none of which I had seen, or at least can remember seeing!

As I looked through the bundles, this magazine caught my eye.

I now have my next project.

Off to find the solid roll ups I have been hoarding!

Oh, didn't I just say that... 
I wouldn't let it happen. 
I would stay focused. 
I would stay on track.
But what is that saying about good intentions...

Louise, on the island, getting sidetracked, again!

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