My mother had a friend who said that the date of the first snowfall indicated how many snowstorms a season would have. If you use her logic ( and her name was Nora), with today being the seventh of November and today bringing the first snow of the season, then Nora believed we should see seven snowstorms this winter.
Now I never really tracked Nora's logic and resulting predictions to see if it was true. I merely always remember her words each year on the day of the first snowfall.

Nothing is really sticking to the ground yet. But it is starting to accumulate a bit on the benches and the canoe on the deck. (The pictures were taken through the windows and the screens.)

I am sitting in the living room watching old reruns of Bonanza on TV and sewing the bindings on two quilts in between knitting and a bit of reading and staring out the window watching the snow.
It is peaceful and reminds me to treasure the days. I have a few more hours before life intrudes again. Plenty of time to watch the snow and enjoy the quiet.
Now that I have written on the first day of snow I will have a record of the date.
Let 's see if Nora's wisdom holds true.
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