Thursday, September 27, 2012

Autumn on the Deck

I was originally going to call this post "Fall on the Deck" but that sounded a bit ominous so now we have "Autumn on the Deck"
While taking a break from cutting some strips into blocks which will be sewn into blocks (that's another story ), I came out on the deck for a bit of fresh air. As I looked around it occurred to me that some of the leaves have seriously begun to change color and fall to the ground. I know I have not sat out here for a few days but the process seems to have happened overnight!
I have taken a few shots of the Magnolia trees.

Too bad they are not more colorful. But maybe that is how this fall will be.

I did try to get a shot of this tree across the cove.
One side is turning a bright red.
So maybe not all is lost for the color this season.

Time to return to the cutting.

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