But let me explain.
Just after sunrise as I was enjoying my first cup of coffee and watching said sunrise, DH comes into the kitchen and calmly announces as he heads for the fridge, "There's a fabric avalanche upstairs. Did you get the paper?"
Now a man who has NOT lived with a quilter for close to thirty years would never understand his nonchalance. But fortunately thirty years of an obsession numbs those around you and in the case of my husband causes him to just walk around my piles of fabric even when he stubs his foot (shoe clad of course -it is VERY dangerous to go around barefoot in our house, although I have been getting brave lately in this area) on the pile of fabric.
BTW, pile just got changed to puke by the spell check - puke of fabric? Hmmm somewhat appropriate. You see the pile (or puke) was about three feet high under my ironing board. It consisted of donated fabric, fabric collections bought because it was on sale and collections bought for projects long forgotten or for I just can't decide what to do with this but I like/need/ the color/print. Also known as the miscellaneous stash.
So anyway, he comes downstairs to tell me that there was a fabric avalanche upstairs and calmly fixes his bowl of cereal. I respond that I guess that is the next area to clean today.

I know! Move it to the basement to be washed and deal with it another day.

Happy Tuesday!
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